Ryzen PC | Build Log
I always wanted to build PC of my own, I did fixed, assembled, disassembled in past, but never built from scratch / part picking.
In couple of days, will add my experience, benchmark, snaps and product description later.
Fun fact, I didn’t know that any mobo (motherboard) with HDMI and VGA would not have built-in graphics card, but would strictly rely on processor based GPU () or dedicated graphics card (ended up getting EVGA 1060 6G to have a display).
# PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
TBH: This isn’t the exact cost that I spent, but is for reference, as many of the items were pre-owned / refurb. / on discount, so save by self-research! Amazon warehouse deals, Google Shopping Search, and camelcamelcamel would definitely save some.
macOS | Brew Log
a missing package manager and useful commands
Brew is a package manager initiative started by Max Howell for macOS, it installs the stuff you need that Apple didn’t ship in macOS terminal.
To Install Homebrew, just paste below command in iTerm or Terminal:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
^ Note: It may ask you for password, and once done, shall allow you to install many (but not all) Linux packages generally found in Ubuntu repository.
This Gist contains some of the command-line packages I use, Tried to add explanation as per my understanding and manual.
Note that there’re still many packages that I use in Linux appears to be missing (free, iotop, etc). Feel free to join Homebrew community to add missing components or to just explore!
In reality, brew is more similar to FreeBSD’s Ports / Unix system than Linux’s apt or yum.
Kind of hybrid source code and binary system: Initially it would prefer binary, but if no binary available for requested package, than it would simply download the tarball containing source code and compile it — compilation doesn’t time much time in today’s high performance Macs.
To learn more about this missing macOS package manager, buzz them up on IRC (freenode.net#machomebrew). Be polite and concise while seeking help from the volunteers on IRC!
Deceptive websites, Bloatware, Extensions, DriveBy downloads and what not!
Something I encountered in January, and read about how Chromium is improving core security via safe browsing program.
Saw this on one of the lecturer’s virtual login, some non-tech lecturer actually panicked and called IT Desk. This page not only shows fake warning, but also plays automated audio scaring shit out of someone who isn’t aware of such scams.
Quick whois revealed AWS based IP was hosting this page, Google Chrome already flagged this IP and AWS terminated instance, happy ending!
In everyday life, we see these deceiving websites more often on gray streaming websites, torrents and even some legit websites unknowingly spreading it through advertisers medium.
FTC website has really good resources on how one can identify and report such phony tech support scam. Hoax Slayer and PCRisk (though, I am not sure about product Combo Cleaner, which PCRisk appear to be advertising on their website).
Photo of how screen looked before IT guy came and figured that it was a hoax.
Recovered website infected with malware
Do not click on any links inside the slides unless you know what you’re doing! To be specific, the “(portal-b**)” links as they’re still active.
Had multiple backdoors:
find . -mtime -3 command helped us find all the modified files (backdoors and infected PHP files) in last three days.
Network Activity:
Wireshark and Chrome Developer Tools > Network activity revealed that “portal-b.pw” is the constant culprit redirecting traffic to malicious deceiving websites.
After fixing all this mess and adding security measures such as WordFence and Cloudflare, rabbi guy who owned that website praised us ? and also got PeacockPress covering us! – cyber-security-warrior! After all we spent around two hours to cleanse damn vulnerable PHP and WordPress plugin/theme ecosystem.
Redis Hackathon and silicon valley trip photos
So, I got a chance to visit San Francisco during one of the weekends in November while representing HackerEarth for Redis Labs Hackathon at AWS Pop-up Loft (aka Startup Loft).
Started from JFK via public transit, takes roughly two and half hours to reach airport, which is in Queens, which comes after traversing through Manhattan and Brooklyn. JFK Airport to SFO (~6 hours one-way flight)
We had Itamar Haber who represented Redis Labs, flew from Israel. Also, Manish Gupta provided local Redis Labs representation.
Here is the glimpse of how the venue was! — AWS Pop-up Loft
Wandering around Silicon Valley
Guest Talk – National Institute of Technology, Patna
Guest Talk at NIT-Patna
During my entrepreneurship stint, I was invited to NIT Patna under CSI to provide a Guest Talk.
This talk was sponsored by Computer Society of India ( it was a miniature version of TEDx with diverse student spectators )
Topics covered:
- Contributing to Open Source Projects
- Linux and power of CLI tools
- Cybersecurity
- Internet culture, Laws and Privacy
- Startups and Entrepreneurship
Talk at National Institute of Technology (NIT) was of about straight 5 hours which included 1 hour quiz section. Topics were outcome of thorough research and single aim to unlock possibilities. Introducing elements which would positively impact students and aspiring professionals, and ultimately help them become better version of their self.
My visit comprised of Talk followed by a quiz session and interaction was so uplifting and inspiting that it encouraged students to participate in GSOC and paved the way for them get involved into open source world, internet security and startup culture.
During my presence, I brainstormed with them on creative ideas, problem solving, internet culture, and Netizen ideology.
Ah, and as a part of quiz, I got to distribute Xperia Device and 2x128GB SanDisk USB Flash Drive to the winners.
Met wonderful student leaders like Rohit Kashyap and Divya Upadhyay who seem to be doing super well these days.
Re: events/731913480160471

How do one define one as google lover, addicted etc./
Simple! If you know, and are familiar with majority of offering and product of the company, you may be loving it. In my case, it is Google, who is and going to dominate our world with wide range of product line.
Google itself having 100’s of sister products excluding Search, AdWord and AdSense. It is ranging from Google Labs to Blogger, Groups, Notes, News, Alerts, Dictionary and lot more including wave from labs, CheckOut, SMS and Gmail.
Right now (April 02, 2011) shows my Web History as,
- Total Google searches: 47617
- http://www.google.com/history
and yeah, i know there may be trouble enabling Web History (Privacy!!), but i ‘d love to check my previous search results via Web History when I am having difficulty recalling things I would have searched in past. So, in such difficult time, Web History helps a lot to find a particular keyword or results, moreover it is having trends and analytics feature, which shows current trend and usage along with timestamps related to one’s search!
This has aged / discontinued. :/
One should use Google Support in order to get rid of problems in their Apps and other google based paid service.
Above URL is kind of feature-rich extensive Search API me ! I have attached it to Opera default search engine with tweaked 100 results, xx-hacker language and Unicode utf-8 encoding. So, no more next.. next..!
~ Google show maximum 9 * 100 = 900 result for particular keyword. 100 result each page and 9 pages!
Several other products, which Google serves at their best!
Dashboard is very great feature to inquire all data related to Google and their Apps.
No doubt, Gmail is one of the best products of Google, with lots of customization in theme, Priority Inbox, Lab Addons and free POP3 and IMAP for external support !
They do even provide Patent Search, Market/Finance Report, Currency Converter ! ie. 1 USD = ? INR
Google Analytics is very cool feature of them to have their watch in almost all website ! They do track us ! lol Whatever they might be doing, its great feature to track visitors and improve traffic via some seo.
Google Realtime Search to query search feed of twitter, news and facebook with timeline.
Google Web Fonts lets one use all the fonts available via the Google Web Fonts API in one’s website ! All fonts are available in the directory for preview. Typographers and graphic designers would love to add their custom font types in there.
Apps Status Dashboard – to check integrity of current App and downtime/failure/unavailability categorized as No Issues | Service disruption | Service outage | Information available ! 🙂
Long time no see, no here, haa !
yeah, right heard. I am starting everything up with this new domain .in, hope it would be permanent for a while ! 🙂
So, i even changed hosting from offshore to onshore! And would love to shift it to personal VPS ( Virtual Private Server )
I’ll update everything As Soon As Possible 😉
Just bear with me while i transform everything surrounded by me !
Let’s speak 31337. or not-so-productive way to use browser?
Instance of multiple tabs and browser windows! No browser tolerate this much of tabs
Mind blowing number of TABS, instance and tolerance of Opera of course! Thought of capturing mess I created while surfing, and a sudden though of sharing it. I know that tidy and organized tabs are good sign, but back in days, I wasn’t super organized.
No browser can do this except Opera (2010), dunno about other browsers! Chrome is super memory hogging browser at the moment.
love you my motherland – missing lots of things while journey ;)
In last couple of days I stumbled upon lot of wonderful things (tech / non-tech)
(27th-28th FEB)
While I was traveling by train. I had a nap in daytime and was intensely thinking about pretty much anything with closed eyes. Diverse aspects running in my subconscious mind. 🙄
Thought 1
And in consecutive days, I was busy creating bootable USBs to fix friend’s computer. My favorite is Hiren’s Boot CD and GParted.
Thought 2
During these days, I got 25$ from my mate whom I worked with, and I was thinking to spend this money to purchase domain name to host some analytics project, open source code I worked on and found online; but abhi9 was in need of RapidShare account and last account that we had just got expired four days back, so I changed my mind and purchased 16.99EUR with 3 month validity – RS Account. 😉
Thought 3
Yesterday, college HODs of CS and IS department faced worse situation in their career. Chairman and his right-hand blasted on them and told them to resign with foul language. Sad. 🙁
Update: It was more of an anger issue, and everything seem to be okay, fingers crossed.
Thought 4
While searching blindly, I found some strange yet current trend (twenty ten) of File Sharing.
Underground business operations and all! :$
Bobby Chang, a COO of Rapidshare.com, one of the worlds most visited websites, with an Alexa ranking of just 15 (at the time of writing this post)!
He recalled this quote of Steve, Steve Jobs. I think he is a great man and has created great things. And what is more, he has always hit the nerve of the consumer.
PS: Steve Jobs, founder and CEO* of Apple, Inc.
Links :~
Thought 6
and some other things.. lyk..
Thought 7
and some files hosted on
- Google Pages: http://mayurpipaliya.googlepages.com/
- turned into http://sites.google.com/site/mayurpipaliya/
I don’t have problem with that but transformation process from Google Pages to Sites.Google.com ruined all my fancy looking GIF files.
So far, GIFs are not showing motion! Emoticons Flooding through me: 😛 😛 ;-( :((
:(( :'(
Thought 8
Whenever I get to travel through train, I feel like getting a chance to explore myself, opening myself to lot more ideas, which tempts me to take random note on all the vague ideas.
Will dig up other things, gotta go as I recovered 4GB flash drive, whose data should be restored to some secure storage medium.