Posts Tagged: vtu

socking news – got defaced – hacked

lurid news !! 😯

feeling shocked to see luridness in early morning !!

🙁 :'( 😀

I was googling about faster vtu result and was checking site and their functionality

Further queries in BING displayed unbelievable thing that site defaced by so-called hacker ‘GHOST OF IRAQ‘ from so many days and page is still exist on their site !! LOL !

~ They should take some care about security and tends to delete these kind of defacement page !! :mrgreen:

Furthermore geeky search about hack  displayed mirror of hack.


~ Defaced Page :-

~ Prof of Concept :- owned-m

FYI:  💡

~They are using iframe(s) for quicker result, multithreaded connections from user`s IP to…  And it seems lyk det site faced HOSTING suspension !!

~ PS: Better to use grid nodes to serve fast result rather then direct thread to result-SVR !! :p

* Note: All information on Myaw® is for educational purposes only

gtg n0w !! feelin sl33py as usual !! 🙄 😈

Its all about bulk VTU Result !

Heya, my mates ❗
Glad 2 declare public version of my small creation, which shows Mass VTU Result.

Let me enlighten this stuff..

`De Facto  🙄

~ This will fetch result from ( Simply depandant ! )

~ Currently, I’m using free hosting 👿 which allows only 30 second Script Execution. So kindly fetch 1 – 15 |  16 – 30 | 31 – 45 and likewise or else it wont show desired output .  LOL  😆

  • -/ Will make OLD || PreFatch Section in my free time where you people can easily find previously fetched results by other students/professors. 8)
  • -/ I would love to get ± feedback(s) :P, Curious geeks directly contact me to discuss/develop this stuff to take bulk vtu result to its next level !!  😀
  • -/ It will only fetch result of perticuler batch &&  department.
  • -/ And yeah ! this one is use full stuff while VTU wont give us direct database access and we need to do analysis being HOD, lecturer or as analytic !

Link(s) :-

VTU MASS  Result Viewer

VTU Simple Result

WiKi: Visvesvaraya_Technological_University